Friday, April 29, 2011

Amy Poehler Out-Delights Everyone at Time 100 Gala

If you are not already convinced that Amy Poehler is the most delightful woman on earth, then you haven’t witnessed Amy Poehler at a party. From the second she set foot inside Jazz at Lincoln Center for the Time 100 gala, Poehler turned into what could only be described as a cruise director. Here she was, grabbing Patrick McMullan to take a picture of her and Cecile Richards and all the other “kick-ass ladies” in the room. There she was, telling reporters what to write in their notebooks: “Martha Stewart arrived late, smelling of turkey.” She was on the scene when Patrick McMullan accidentally ripped the train of Blake Lively’s dress, gleefully crying out, “You ripped her dress! Patrick, you ripped her dress!” as if it were the greatest, most wonderful thing that had ever happened.
Inside the dinner, she was first and most enthusiastic to answer Bruno Mars’s calls to the crowd to get on their feet as he sang "Billionaire." She could be seen among the dinner stragglers, cornering Cory Booker and asking him if he watched The Wire. (We missed it, but we’re pretty sure she was telling him that she’d thought of the perfect character he could play on the show if they ever resurrected it for another season.) She even held court during the after-party, interrupting our interview (really nicely!) with George R.R. Martin to tell him what HUGE fans she and Seth Meyers are of Game of Thrones, and how much she loves all the nudity. As she left, among the very last guests, she kept fishing around for TV recommendations. We told her to watch The Good Wife, and since we have no reason to believe that Amy Poehler is not the most awesome human ever, we think she probably will.
Oh, and she also gave the best toast of the night. Poehler was introduced by Time executive editor Jim Frederick and was preceded by preacher Rob Bell. Here's what she said.
Well when I met Jim five minutes ago, I told him, “Move over! I’m a righty. And don’t let me follow a preacher.” Thanks for nothing, Jim. When Seth Meyers from Saturday Night Live and I hosted this awards show in 2008, I remember thinking it would be really nice if we were to make this list together. And tonight, I am happy to say that it is just as sweet making the list without him. I have so much influence; I am lousy with influence. I am what you call a connector. Bruno Mars is not here, but if he was, he would meet Aziz Ansari tonight, because I would introduce them. Chris Colfer, have you ever met Martha Stewart? Because I can I make that happen. Jonathan Franzen and Patti Smith are sitting at the same table. I know that because I’m on the list. If you shook my hand tonight, you might not want to drive home because you may be pulled over for a DUI. [Editor's note: This was her recycling a joke she’d used on us earlier in the evening ... Still delightful!] But tonight, I’m genuinely very humbled and honored to be part of this evening, so I would like to take my remaining minute to um … I have thought very hard and long about what has influenced me over the past couple of years, and since I have been at this dinner in 2008, I have given birth to two boys and I’ve left Saturday Night Live and I started my own TV show, and it’s been a crazy couple of years, and I thought who besides Madam Secretary Clinton and Lorne Michaels have influenced me? And it was the women who helped me take care of my children. It is Jackie Johnson from Trinidad and it is Dawa Chodon from Tibet, who come to my house and help me raise my children. And for you working women who are out there tonight who get to do what you get to do because there are wonderful people who help you at home, I would like to take a moment to thank those people, some of whom are watching their children right now, while you’re at this event. Those are people who love your children as much as you do, and who inspire them and influence them and on behalf of every sister and mother and person who stands in your kitchen and helps you love your child, I say thank you and I celebrate you tonight.

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